
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Rules to a Successful Career

The Rules to a Successful Career: Learn the dos and don’ts of engaging in a successful career path.

Personal Branding

  • Building an image is the start to your career path
  • You can initially destroy this image if you do not make yourself aware of the items
  • Behave like a CEO

How to present yourself

  • Keep your personal style but keep it classy
  • Appropriate attire and accessories
  • Personal Grooming
  • Post night out presence

Presenting yourself in a meeting: making a stance, or giving your opinion

  • How to say a few words with a powerful meaning, speaking with confidence
  • Confidence in your stance and your appearance but not coming across as unapproachable

Taking and handling criticism

  • How to ask for solicited criticism
  • Taking the emotion out of it
  • When its constructive or not

Teamwork: How to be a team player in a world where you are trying to get ahead

  • Unfair and unbalanced teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Project debrief- what worked? What didn’t? This is a positive way to provide feedback and correct the problem

Conflict Resolution

  • Never assume. Jumping to conclusions. Hear all sides and think it through
  • Always put yourself in other’s shoes
  • Communication, communication, communication

How to be a step ahead of your competition

  • Professional development
  • Mentorship, coaching, sponsorship


  • How to be a leader. It’s not a title it’s a state of being. Act like a leader
  • Leadership is taking control in situations. In helping to progress to a resolution

Lead by example. Be the person that sets the bar. Do the right thing.

Key Books to Read

  • 5 Temptations of a CEO, Patrick Lencioni
  • 4 Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive, Patrick Lencioni
  • Change Your Questions, Change Your Life, Marilee G. Adams
  • The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way your Lead Forever, Michael Bungay Stanier

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